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Measure 20-359 Explanatory Statement. The Lane County Charter can only be changed by the voters of Lane County. If passed, this ballot measure would change the charter by removing Section 32, which requires the use of complicated calculations based on budget information from 40 years ago to establish current spending limits.
Measure 20-359: repeal of limits on expenditures by Lane County which contains that no longer apply or are outdated.
10 paź 2024 · Measure on the ballot in the 2024 Oregon General Election in Lane County. View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.
Except where an exemption under ORS 818.100 (Exemptions from size limitations) specifically provides otherwise, any vehicle or load thereon that exceeds a maximum allowable size as determined by any of the following tables exceeds the maximum size limits for purposes of ORS 818.090: width........................
Oregon uses weight tables to determine legal and permittable weights. Motor carriers can also use our Online Weight Calculator. Use for trucks with legal axle weights hauling divisible loads.
You can find the law at Oregon Revised Statute 818.080 in section (2) at Your other option is to trailer the canoe. Anytime your load length exceeds 4 feet from the end of the pickup bed you need a 1 ft. square red flag or lights. See below:
CM/KG length*width*height/5000 Inches/Pounds length*width*height/139 The Volumetric Tool rounds each dimension (length, width and height) to the nearest whole number using standard rounding rules. The resulting dimensional weight is then rounded to the next full pound or half kilogram.