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  1. 3 lut 2016 · In Oracle-11g use Unpivot: It performs column to row operation, and use decode to derive other column values. Try this :

  2. In this syntax: The unpivot_clause allows you to specify a name for a column that represents the unpivoted measure values. The unpivot_for_clause allows you to specify the name for each column that will hold the measure’s values. The unpivot_in_clause contains the pivoted columns that will be unpivoted.

  3. 22 sty 2019 · UNPIVOT (<value_column> FOR <name_column> IN (<column_list>)) however, i can do unpivot for one column but dont know how to unpivot for multiple columns so that i can have columns such as code pyr plan group1 group2 ins instead of multiples code columns etc.

  4. 7 lut 2019 · I wish to do UNPIVOT but for two groups of columns (HOME_TEAM_NAME, AWAY_TEAM_NAME) and (HOME_TEAM_POINTS AWAY_TEAM_POINTS) in one unpivot query but can't find any informqation if it is possible. The table is:

  5. Unpivoting is the process of taking columns and converting them to rows. For example, you may want to convert the home & away team names to a single team column. You can do a DIY unpivot using union all. This will query the source table once for each column you want to become a row.

  6. 8 wrz 2016 · Learn how to use the Oracle SQL PIVOT and UNPIVOT clauses to turn rows into columns, columns into rows, and transpose rows and columns

  7. In this Module you will learn to:• Identify the benefits of pivoting and unpivoting operations• Write cross-tabulation queries to pivot (rotate) columnvalues into new columns and to unpivot (rotate) columnsinto column values• Pivot and unpivot with multiple columns and multipleaggregates• Use wildcards and aliases with pivoting operations

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