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Download this eBook for free Chapters. Chapter 1: Getting started with Oracle Database; Chapter 2: Anonymous PL/SQL Block; Chapter 3: Autonomous Transactions; Chapter 4: constraints; Chapter 5: Creating a Context; Chapter 6: Data Dictionary; Chapter 7: Data Pump; Chapter 8: Database Links; Chapter 9: Dates
Try Live SQL V2! This tutorial provides an introduction to the Structured Query Language (SQL), learn how to create tables with primary keys, columns, constraints, ind... This tutorial explains how to create a parameterized view using SQL Macros. The examples use the built-in sales history schema so there are no setup s...
The Oracle basics section teaches you about how to use SQL to interact with the Oracle database. You will learn various techniques to query data from the database and how to manage database tables such as creating, modifying, and deleting tables.
The primary goal of this tutorial series is to assist you in establishing a solid foundation in the Oracle Database. After completing this series, you will have the ability to write complex SQL statements to query data and manage database objects.
Thoroughly updated for Oracle Database 11g Release 2, this edition reveals new PL/SQL features and provides extensive code samples, ranging from simple examples to complex and complete applications, in the book and on the companion website.
Free tutorial on Oracle SQL (Structured Query Language). Learn Oracle SQL with Examples.
Exploring Oracle Database with SQL Developer2-9 Tutorial: Viewing HR Schema Objects with SQL Developer2-9 Tutorial: Viewing EMPLOYEES Table Properties and Data with SQL Developer2-10