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30 lis 2015 · I have created a package with one procedure to delete any countries from a table where country_ID does not exist. I wrote this code: CREATE PACKAGE cust_sa AS PROCEDURE del_cn3(c_cntry_id COUNTRIES.
The CREATE PACKAGE statement creates or replaces the specification for a stored package, which is an encapsulated collection of related procedures, functions, and other program objects stored as a unit in the database. The package specification declares these objects.
Below is an example of creating a new package specification called personnel. The personnel package contains two functions: get_fullname() and get_salary() based on employee’s ID.
13 wrz 2017 · I have used your html_email example to send email to Gmail, Android, Outlook, Zimbra clients. However, i noticed when i sent the same email to a co-worker account on iPhone i received the following message
This tutorial shows you step by step how to create a PL/SQL package specification by using the CREATE PACKAGE statement.
To disable the request validation function, perform the following steps: Navigate to the <Current Configuration directory>/global directory. Open the settings.xml file, which stores the Oracle REST Data Services configuration information. Look for security.requestValidationFunction entry and remove it from the file.
11 sty 2019 · How to Create Package? For the demonstration I am going to create a very simple package which will consist of two elements – a function and a stored procedure. I have tried to keep this example as simple as possible in order to keep the concept easy to understand.