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Logistics Management Information Systems. English Username
13 sie 2020 · Go to your eLMIS site. For example
As an open source software, the OpenLMIS software is available free of charge, and enhancements made by individual countries are contributed back to the community for others to use. With OpenLMIS, users don’t have to pay to build a solution from the ground up, or reinvent one that already exists.
The OpenLMIS initiative incorporates a community-focused approach to develop open source and customizable LMIS systems specifically designed for low-resource settings. The end result is a powerful, flexible system that provides shared benefit across users and programs.
19 gru 2018 · OpenLMIS is a software platform specifically designed to manage health commodity supply chains in low-resource environments. VillageReach pioneered the concept of an open source electronic logistics management information system (LMIS) for vaccine supply chains.
Electronic Logistics Management Information Systems. Version: 9.0.0. Logged in as Profile | Help | Forums Logout
Open-LMIS is an electronic logistics management information system that offers customer support in multiple languages.