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  1. Ile wiesz o DNA? Super! Co to jest gen? To inaczej 2 cząsteczki DNA, które kodują informację o budowie cukru (deoksyrybozy). To odcinek DNA, który zawiera informację o budowie białka lub RNA. To 2 nukleotydy, które kodują informację o budowie tłuszczu w organizmie. Dzięki poszczególnym białkom organizm ma konkretne cechy. Co to jest sekwencja DNA?

  2. Kids take a quiz on Biology: DNA. Practice science problems online test and questions for students and teachers.

  3. DNA Test quiz online for students. This page features DNA quiz questions and answers in the form of trivia tests which students have to answer. Students will learn about related concepts, hereditary, the genetic code (triploid code), DNA structure, genetics as a whole and more.

  4. DNA quiz. Footprints-Science have created thousands of resources for teaching and learning science. This website includes free science animations, interactive quizzes, anagrams, flashcards and more.

  5. › test › dna-practice-quiz-43174932DNA practice quiz | Quizlet

    Quiz yourself with questions and answers for DNA practice quiz, so you can be ready for test day. Explore quizzes and practice tests created by teachers and students or create one from your course material.

  6. 19 mar 2023 · Fill in the blanks using the vocabulary from chapter 7. 1. Which is NOT a base of DNA? The question asks for the option that is NOT a base of DNA. A base of DNA refers to the nitrogenous bases that make up the building blocks of DNA molecules. Adenine, thymine, and cytosine are all examples of nitrogenous bases found in DNA.

  7. 8 sie 2024 · How well do you know your DNA? Test your knowledge of genetics with our engaging Genes and Chromosomes Quiz. Dive into DNA, genes, and chromosomes today!

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