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High School OKLAHOMA HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT: The Foundation, Formation, and Transformation of Oklahoma In Oklahoma History and Government, the student will examine the people and events that have formed and transformed the landscape and cultures of the place and peoples that have become Oklahoma.
4 lis 2024 · The OSDE frameworks are sets of curricular resources developed by Oklahoma teachers to help educators translate the Oklahoma Academic Standards into classroom practice. They illustrate what is expected of students at each grade level by examining the intent of each standard and providing instructional options to support student learning.
The Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science, K-12 are three-dimensional performance expectations representing the things students should know, understand, and be able to do to be proficient in science and engineering.
This 9th grade course covers the history and the government of the State of Oklahoma.
Drug Testing Policy; Meal Charge Policy; Foster Care Plan; Wellness Policy; Parent & Family Engagement Policy; Bullying/Harrassement Policy; ARP Esser III Use of Funds Plan
The menu on the left takes you to pages for individual science courses- here you will find the course description, year-at-a-glance, curriculum maps, aligning resources, and applicable testing information (blueprints, item specs, and performance level descriptors).
oKLaHoMa city, oK 73106 587-5400 douGLASS Mid-HiGH SCHooL 900 Martin LutHEr KinG BLVd. oKLaHoMa city, oK 73117 587-4200 EMERSoN HiGH SCHooL 715 n. WaLKEr, oKLaHoMa city, oK 73102 587-7900 JoHN MARSHALL ENTERPRiSE Mid-HiGH SCHooL 12201 n. portLand oKLaHoMa city, oK 73120 587-7200 NoRTHEAST ACAdEMy foR HEALTH SCiENCES & ENGiNEERiNG ENTERPRiSE ...