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Guitar Tab Archive (site for now). Compiled over 500,000 tabs in various formats and organized by filetype. Includes tabs from former sites FireTabs, MyPowerTabs, OLGA, and more, along with software mirrors. I was the original owner of FT and MPT. Let me know what you think!
20 lis 2019 · The On-line Guitar Archive (OLGA) was the first Internet library of guitar and bass tablature.
Some of my own tabs were on there. Weed did a great job keeping up the site, shame it was finally taken down. Would love a magnet link, thanks for archiving when you did.
I've got a mirror I made just before it got taken down, and I can tell you that this 10-part torrent of 1000 songbooks is much better. 1000 songbooks ==> All ten torrents have about 30'000 songs. Edit: It needs about 18GB space.
OLGA - The internet's first (1992) and best (no duplicate files) archive for guitar tab (tablature) and crd (chord) files. As a recent post on reminded me, it's almost five years since Andrew Rogers died.
Guitar Tab Archive - OLGA. This is an archival backup of older sites that have since either been removed or lost. These sites include FireTabs, MyPowerTabs, OLGA, TabIt, MySongBook, and more. All tabs are unofficial. and user-submitted by community members and may not be 100% accurate. Most tabs are from sites dated pre-2007.
The On-line Guitar Archive (OLGA) was the first Internet library of guitar and bass tablature, or "tabs". Born from a collection of guitarist internet-forum archives, it was a useful resource for musicians of all genres for over a decade.