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olecranon - tłumaczenie na polski oraz definicja. Co znaczy i jak powiedzieć "olecranon" po polsku? - wyrostek łokciowy
- Wyrostek łokciowy
wyrostek łokciowy - tłumaczenie na angielski oraz definicja....
- Olecranon Fossa
It is also proximal to the olecranon fossa.. A few of these...
- Olecranon Fracture
Where the olecranon fracture is displaced, open reduction...
- Olecranon Spur
A unique feature is a lack of the olecranon process on the...
- Olecranon Process
In the lower arm the robust ulna has a well-developed...
- Wyrostek łokciowy
Tłumaczenie 'Olecranon' na język polski w darmowym słowniku terminów anatomicznych polsko-łacińsko-angielskim Słownik Anatomiczny English
Wiele przetłumaczonych zdań z "olecranon" – słownik polsko-angielski i wyszukiwarka milionów polskich tłumaczeń.
Một xương nhô lên ở khuỷu tay, ở đầu trên của xương trụ. A bony prominence at the elbow on the upper end of the ulna. The olecranon is crucial for elbow joint movement during social activities. Olecranon rất quan trọng cho chuyển động khớp khuỷu trong các hoạt động xã hội. Many people do not know where the olecranon is located on the body.
OLECRANON ý nghĩa, định nghĩa, OLECRANON là gì: 1. the end part of the ulna (= a long thin bone in the lower arm) at the elbow: 2. the end part of…. Tìm hiểu thêm.
Olecranon là gì: / ou´lekrə¸nɔn /, Danh từ: mỏm khủyu; mấu khủyu, Kỹ thuật chung: mỏm khuỷu, olecranon spur, lồi mỏm khuỷu
olecranon definicja: 1. the end part of the ulna (= a long thin bone in the lower arm) at the elbow: 2. the end part of…. Dowiedź się więcej.