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Ethnographische Karte von Litauen. 1917. 1:2m. Des Großherzogthums Litauen nordwestlicher Theil. Nro. 49. [Karte], in: Schauplatz Der Fünf Theile Der Welt, S. 116.
2 kwi 2023 · Use the appropriate category for maps showing all or a large part of Lithuania. See subcategories for smaller areas:
For Lithuanians it was hard to interpret old maps, because these maps were in foregn languages, names of objects were perverted, information on maps were aged. Old maps were used till 1924, when military topographic office (Military Topography section) at General staff was established.
Lithuania: old map prints, fine replica pictures to download or use in the field with GPS Historical maps of Lithuania, its regions, cities and towns as they looked like in the 1880s, 1890s, 1900s, 1910s and shortly after the World War I.
19 wrz 2022 · The map above shows Lithuania with its pre-WW1 borders. The country was at that time part of the greater Russian Empire (along with Poland and Latvia), and divided into three Governorate regions: Kovno, Vilna and Suvalki.
Antique map, print, and town-view images of the area of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as well as news of map fairs, and mapmaker biographies.
Old maps of Lithuania are witnesses of the country’s history. They reflect our path from the marking of the first Baltic tribes on the 1st century map to emphasised lines of the first division of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on the German maps of the second half of the 18th century.