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  1. 4 mar 2012 · Download SpeedSim for free. A battle simultor for the browser game OGame. SpeedSim is an OGame ( combat simulator. It has lots of additional features like BestWorst-Case calculation, multiple simulations, it supports skinning and other useful things.

  2. 14 paź 2024 · Kompleksowy symulator walki, SpeedSim to darmowe narzędzie do gier zaprojektowane dla graczy OGame, oferujące bezproblemowy sposób na przewidywanie wyników bitew. Użytkownicy mogą generować rozbudowane raporty dotyczące wyników bitew, wpisując szczegóły floty w odpowiednie pola.

  3. A simple OGame combat simulator, BattleSim allows you to simulate your battles to maximize your profit.

  4. It simulates battles for the well-known browser game OGame and helps planning your raids. For a better understanding the window is splitted into different areas that will be explained within the following section

  5. 15 lut 2006 · This button is found at the very bottom left corner of speedsim. Using this, you can get to the SpeedSim website, and check for any updates, though they dont have many. Battle Report. Using this button, you will get a simulated battle report of the simulation. Don't try to use a speedsim battle report in a CR Convert as it doesnt work.

  6. 8 kwi 2008 · JOBS - Java Ogame Battle Simulator - a (offline) battle simulator for the web-based strategy game ogame; features: fast (that is: about 2x faster than speedsim), written in java 1.4 (that is: quite platform independent), swing GUI (an ugly one though)

  7. If you wish to use an older version, take a look at the sourceforge download page of speedsim. There is more Stuff available for download around SpeedSim. Here a list: Skins - make your Simulator look like you want!

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