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  1. › rules › specificationsIV. SPECIFICATIONS

    measurement standards are as follows: The horseshoe weight shall not be more than two (2) pounds, ten (10) ounces (there is no minimum weight). No horseshoe can exceed seven and one-quarter inches (7-1/4”) in width or seven and five-eighths inches (7-5/8”) in length. The opening of the shoe must not exceed three and one-half

  2. THE OFFICIAL NHPAPLAYING RULES, REQUIREMENTS, GUIDELINES, AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE SPORT OF HORSESHOE PITCHING (aka The RGS Book) Published by The National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA) (Revised on January 1, 2019) I. PLAYING RULES This section explains the playing rules of horseshoes and may

  3. Dimensions - A horseshoe court shall be a level rectangular area 6 ft wide and a minimum of 46 ft long. A north-south setting is recommended for outdoor courts to minimize the effects of the sun. Pitcher's Box - The pitcher's box is the square 6 ft by 6 ft area at each end of the court.

  4. Official Horseshoe Pitching Rules For Sets 3918/01 Rule 1 – Court Layout Section a. A court will occupy a level area of at least 50ft (15,24m) in length (in a north-south direction if possible), be at least 10ft (3,05m) in width and consist of two pitcherʼs boxes, each 6ft (1,83m) square with a stake in its exact center. The

  5. These rules apply for all NHPA sanctioned events, which includes tournament play and/or league play. All contestants, including pacers and/or league substitutes, must be current NHPA members (see Bylaws for additional information).

  6. OFFICIAL SHOE: Contestants may use their own shoes as long as they meet the following specifications. No shoe shall exceed 7 1/4 inches in width/space (distance between the closest points at the toe of the shoe). No shoe shall exceed 7 5/8 inches in length (distance from the back of the heel of the shoe to a line connecting the points of the shoe).

  7. HORSESHOES: An official shoe should not exceed 7 1/4 inches in width and 7 5/8 inches in length, and should weight no more than 2 pounds 10 ounces. The opening can be no more than 3 1/2 inches from point to point. Players must stand behind the foul line on the pitching platform when pitching.

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