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  1. The Office of Diversion and Reentry (ODR), within the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, develops and implements programs to divert people with serious mental, physical and/or behavioral health needs away from the LA County Jail and into community-based care.

  2. Uzyskaj bezpłatny dostęp do programów Word, Excel i PowerPoint, używając platformy Microsoft 365 dla sieci Web (dawniej nazywanej pakietem Office). Przejdź na wersję Premium. Zobacz plany i ceny. online w czasie rzeczywistym z dowolnego urządzenia.

  3. The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Offices (“DAO”) Diversion Unit engages people charged with crimes with pre-trial alternatives to conviction and post-conviction alternatives to incarceration.

  4. Pretrial diversion (PTD) programs divert certain offenders from traditional criminal justice processing into alternative systems of supervision and services.

  5. Diversion programs offer the prospect of “off-ramping” suitable cases early in the court process, potentially alleviating the strain on overburdened criminal justice agencies and resulting in increased case processing efficiency, reduced court backlogs, and better decision-making by court players.

  6. In this series, we have examined what diversion is and what it is not, the four primary purposes of diversion, whether diversion contributes to public safety, and how the “what works” research can be used to determine who should be

  7. The web pages of many prosecutor’s offices describe what diversion programs their offices may be involved with. If you are represented by legal counsel, you should discuss what those diversions options are with them.

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