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Let us know if Bibliographic Formats and Standards is useful. A guide to the structure, coding practices, and input standards used in bibliographic records in the WorldCat® database. It provides definitions, guidelines, and examples for entering information into WorldCat.
Examples include diaries, letters, logs, manuscript books, marked or corrected galley and page proofs, papers, etc. Use code a for non-manuscript or published language material, including digitized textual manuscripts.
31 paź 2024 · Bibliographic Formats and Standards is a guide to bibliographic and holdings information in machine-readable cataloging records in the WorldCat database. It provides tagging conventions, input standards, and guidelines for entering information in this cooperative environment.
Bibliographic citations generated in can be downloaded as an RIS file. RIS is a standardized tag format, developed by Research Information Systems company, that can be imported into citation management tools such as EasyBib, Mendeley, and Zotero.
Get started with Authorities: Format and indexes, which provides details on selected topics that catalogers need to identify and verify information in bibliographic and/or authority records via the OCLC® authority file.
16 kwi 2024 · Discover available citation styles and how to generate citations or download a RIS file for a list in Note: OCLC partners with EasyBib to provide citations.
Bibliographic Formats and Standards is now fully indexed and searchable in Cataloger’s Desktop. With 2008 Issue 4, Cataloger’s Desktop will also include links from the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data to OCLC’s Bibliographic Formats and Standards.