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Analyze airline, airport and route performance with our unique archive of historical flight information and performance data to drive your internal and competitive benchmarking, as well as future strategy and innovation.
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FLIGHT SEATS DATA. Gain the most accurate forward view of...
- Global Airline Schedules Data
With over 400,000 flight schedules changes a day, having...
- Flight Status Data
Accurate, definitive, real-time flight delay data for the...
- Historical Flight Data
FLIGHT INFO API. Our Flight Information API is powered by...
- Flight Seats Data
Check flight seat capacity with unprecedented granularity...
- Flight Emissions Data
OAG Labs, a dedicated data science team, created a model...
- Minimum Connection Times
Flight connections make new destinations available to...
- Master Data
They are typically 1, 2, 3, or 4-character combinations that...
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OAG is a global travel data provider with headquarters in the UK. The company was founded in 1929 and is operated in the USA, Singapore, Japan, Lithuania and China. It has a large network of flight information data including schedules, flight status, connection times, and industry references such as airport codes. [3][4][5]
Current airport arrivals and departures detailed on a compelling high-resolution map. Show current air traffic congestion and how close specific flights are to landing, with the option of weather overlay. Help travelers and those collecting them make the right decisions by providing live airline flight path mapping information in real time.
20 lis 2024 · Track the real-time flight status of your flight with OAG's Flight Tracker. See delays and cancelations, and track its current position on a map.
With OAG Flight Guide, you can spend less time planning for travel and more time getting the job done. Updated monthly, OAG Flight Guide lists all worldwide scheduled flights, flight routings, transfer times, and a host of essential travel planning information
All flight schedules on the following pages are listed with ORIGIN CITIES listed in alphabetical order. All flights listed operate to those cities. All flights listed are nonstop (unless otherwise indicated). Flights operating with wide-body aircraft are shown in red print. April 1, 1974 North American Pocket Guide flight schedules.
The OAG Pocket Flight Guide provides accurate and comprehensive flight schedule information in a convenient and easy-to-use format. Available in three regional versions: Europe, Middle East & Africa