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You may report new hire information online instead of mailing the form to New York State. Visit Note: Employers must report individuals under an independent contractor arrangement with contracts in excess of $2,500 using the online reporting website above, not Form IT-2104.
Form IT-2104 is completed by you, as an employee, and given to your employer to instruct them how much New York State (and New York City and Yonkers) tax to withhold from your pay and send to the New York State Tax Department on your behalf.
7 lip 2022 · The purpose of the IT-2104 is to instruct the employer (that’s you!) on how much New York State (and New York City and Yonkers) taxes they should withhold from their employee’s pay. The more allowances claimed, the lower the amount of tax will be withheld.
16 gru 2022 · Form IT-2104, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate, and (if applicable) Form IT-2104.1, New York State, City of New York, and City of Yonkers Certificate of Nonresidence and Allocation of Withholding Tax.
Tax Withholding Forms (W-4, IT-2104, & IT-2104.1) Use to identify and withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay. What Is This Form For? Is This Form Mandatory? Use to identify and withhold the correct New York State, New York City, and/or Yonkers tax.
Use to identify and withhold the correct New York State, New York City, and/or Yonkers tax.
NYS Payroll Online (NYSPO) provides you with the ability to review and maintain your own tax withholding information. You can submit your federal Form W-4 (federal withholdings) and NYS Form IT-2104 (state and local withholdings).