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If someone hacked your account, visit on a device you’ve used to log into Facebook before. If that doesn’t help, visit this guide to the right solution for your circumstances.
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If you want to report abuse on Facebook but you don't have...
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Learn how to report things on Facebook such as profiles, posts, Pages, ads and more. Find out what to do if you're blocked from using a feature, your account is disabled, or you're having trouble logging in. When things don't work on Facebook we want to fix them right away.
If you want to report abuse on Facebook but you don't have an account or can't see the content (example: someone blocked you), please provide the information below to help us find the content you're reporting. Be sure to select the option above that best describes what you want to report.
Jeśli Twoje konto zostało zhakowane, przejdź do strony na urządzeniu, za pomocą którego poprzednio logowałaś (eś) się do Facebooka. Jeśli to nie pomoże, zapoznaj się z tym przewodnikiem, aby znaleźć odpowiednie rozwiązanie dla danej sytuacji.
You get an email from Facebook telling you that an email address or mobile phone number was added, or removed, from your account, or that your password was changed, and it wasn’t you. If the email associated with your Facebook account has changed, you can reverse this.
If you don’t have access to the email address or mobile phone number associated with your Facebook account — maybe because you were hacked and your password was changed, or you lost or forgot them — try these steps to recover your account:
Answer a few questions, and we'll help you find the right solution. If you think your account was hacked, we can help you recover it. First, can you tell us what is happening?