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Download mBank@Net from the store or scan the QR code and access everything you need from the comfort of your home. Try us out! Transfer money to your phone contacts with FLIK. Update your personal information without visiting a branch. With just a few clicks, you can split a purchase with a Visa charge card into up to 24 installments.
6 sie 2024 · Mobile bank mBank@Net is a modern banking app of Nova KBM
22 sie 2024 · - Real-time monitoring of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, weekly reports, and stock movement charts on selected capital markets. - Track your portfolio, orders, transactions, and trade confirmations...
20 wrz 2023 · M-denarnic@ is a mobile wallet that lets you make contactless payments with your Visa cards issued by NKBM, not just in Slovenia but even abroad. That's right, you can now travel with ease and make payments without worrying about exchange rates and foreign currency.But that's not all!
We are glad to inform you that SKB d. d. and NOVA KBM d. d. merged on 22 August 2024. It is expected that on 2 September 2024, there will be changes in the operation of products for SKB Bank's clients. Following the merger, the merged bank will be renamed to OTP banka d.d.
9 lis 2020 · Začetek uporabe mDenarnic@ je hiter in preprost. Izvedete ga v le nekaj korakih brez obiska poslovalnice (če banka že ima potrebne podatke, to je vašo davčno številko in številko mobilnega...
4 wrz 2024 · 22.8.2024 sta se banki NOVA KBM d.d. in SKB d.d. združili. Združena banka se bo po združitvi preimenovala v OTP banko d.d., posledično bo potrebno urediti seznam Šifre SWIFT in bančne račune nekaterih komitentov. Komitenti SKB-ja so 1. septembra dobili novo številko transakcijskega računa.