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9 lis 2020 · Začetek uporabe mDenarnic@ je hiter in preprost. Izvedete ga v le nekaj korakih brez obiska poslovalnice (če banka že ima potrebne podatke, to je vašo davčno številko in številko mobilnega...
Potrdite izbiro z vnosom PIN številke vašega kvalificiranega digitalnega potrdila Halcom CA. Na ta način boste v aplikacijo dodali Novo KBM, vsi vaši računi Nove KBM pa bodo dodani samodejno.
With mobile bank you can fulfill your banking needs wherever you are in the world and however, you want. 24/7! It gives you complete control over your finances. Download for app for free.
Learn about OTP banka d.d. (formerly NOVA KREDITNA BANKA MARIBOR D.D.) (Slovenia) company profile. Explore its business description, credit ratings, deposit guarantee scheme, financial positions, market share, contacts, bank identifiers.
Book an appointment or message to learn more. Vabljeni na naše specializirano bančno okence, kjer lahko skupaj uredimo vse brezgotovinske storitve in vam pomagamo z dokumentacijo za ostale storitve banke.
26 lis 2024 · • Tap to Translate: Copy text in any app and tap the Google Translate icon to translate (all languages) • Offline: Translate with no internet connection (59 languages) • Instant camera...