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An 80-10 end-fed half-wave antenna can be a very good performing part of an HF station. But its performance depends heavily on a well-designed and carefully constructed 49:1 unun, which matches the long wire impedance to within tuning range of operation. But the perfor-mance of an end-fed antenna is also very dependent on height above ground ...
Detailed Build Instructions for the 80-10 end-fed half-wave antenna with 49:1 unun: Noji-Article-80-10-EF-HW.pdf Source:
How a Yagi antenna works (by Noji) There's no free lunch (ARRL - radial-less verticals, miniature HF antennas, wild gain claims, etc.) Open-wire Feed Lines (QST PDF)
11 mar 2020 · You can spend about $25 to turn the Jackite 31′ pole into an all-band HF Antenna that will give you all bands between 80 and 10 meters, without a tuner. There are mods for 160m and it might even work on 6m with some tuning. Lets get started!
The 80-10-JR-KW consists of the two components shown in Figure 1 – the antenna wire and an impedance transformer. Designed to be used on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters, the EFHW antenna wire is approximately one half-wavelength long on 40 meters with a coil and extension that add 80 meter operation.
Baofeng UV-5R Step-by-Step Programming Guide. Also applies to UV-5RA, UV-5X3, UV-5RAX, GT-3, BF-F8, BF-F9 Noji Ratzlaff.
I came across the following antenna which covers the 80-10m bands with no traps and just one loading coil. It is called the EFHW-8010 . It is simply a half wave end-fed on 80m which will resonate on all multiples of that frequency, loaded with a small inductance near the feed end.