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  1. The Noahic covenant, being an unconditional covenant, was not namely contingent upon the actions of Noah, but rather contingent upon the promise of God. The key difference between a conditional and unconditional covenant is found in the words of the actual covenant.

  2. The Noahic Covenant came at the time of the great flood when God promised Noah, his family, and all mankind subsequent to them that He would never destroy the world with a flood again and gave a sign of the rainbow to remind Himself of His promise.

  3. The Noahide Code of seven basic Divine laws was given to Noah and his children after the Flood. These laws would assure Noah and his children, the forebears of the new human race, that humanity would not degenerate into a jungle again. The laws, which command the establishment of courts of justice and prohibit idolatry, blasphemy,

  4. (a) The Law – God could not legitimately judge man by the law if language did not adequately communicate the law. (b) The Gospel – God could not legitimately grant salvation on the basis of the gospel message if language was not adequate to communicate how man obtains salvation in Christ.

  5. 2 sty 2023 · The Noahic Covenant guarantees the realm (planet Earth) in which the kingdom will be established. It is our assurance that God will sustain the order of creation as long as the earth remains.

  6. This study considers the relationship between the Sinaitic Covenant, the New Covenant established by Christ, and the Law of Moses. Many fail to recognize the fact that the Covenant made at Sinai is NOT exactly the same as the Law of Moses.

  7. God first provides Noah and his children with obligations related to their survival (Gen 9:1-7), and then God gives them promises (Gen 9:8-17). The human inheritors of the earth have obligations. They are responsible to keep the following commands: f Be fruitful and multiply (Gen 9:1, 7).

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