Search results
Probation and Parole Offender Search information is updated in real-time. Please allow 24 hours for the APD offender information to be available. The New Mexico Corrections Department makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information provided on the offender search.
- NMCD Offender Search
The New Mexico Corrections Department (NMCD) Offender Search...
- Western New Mexico Correctional Facility
The Western New Mexico Correctional Facility (WNMCF) is in...
- NMCD Offender Search
The New Mexico Corrections Department (NMCD) Offender Search Application
New Mexico Women's Correctional Facility and Prisoners in New Mexico. Complete prison information on NM State Prisons, DOC, Corrections, Escapees, Absconders and Family help.
Instructions on looking up any New Mexico inmate, parolee, supervised release or discharged prisoner. How to look up inmates in the Bureau of Prisons and ICE Detainees.
New Mexico inmate records come from local law enforcement, the state and local courts, confinement facilities, and local law enforcement. These records include things like mugshots, personal description details, name, date of birth, race, gender, and fingerprints.
The Western New Mexico Correctional Facility (WNMCF) is in Grants. WNMCF offers education programs and several reprogramming opportunities. WNMCF is comprised of two separate facilities. Women’s facility. Reception and Diagnostic Center for female offenders; Houses as well as a Level 3-general population and Level 4-general population female ...
New Mexico Women's Correctional Facility is located in Grants New Mexico and is operated by Corrections Corporation of America under a contract with the New Mexico Department of Corrections. This facility houses 611 female inmates of various custody levels.