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  1. It is imperative that New Jersey students have the opportunity to learn from teachers and specialists who are well versed in the cognitive science of reading and

  2. New Jersey Birth to Three Early Learning Standards. provide families, child care providers, early childhood teachers, institutions of higher learning, community members and policy. makers with research-based information to support the best learning and development for infants and toddlers.

  3. The New Jersey Dyslexia Handbook: A Guide to Early Literacy Development & Reading Struggles 3. Definition The New Jersey Administrative Code includes the definition of dyslexia adopted by the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) Board of Directors on November 12th, 2002.

  4. interpretation and use of results from the spring 2022 administration of the New Jersey Student Learning Assessments in English Language Arts (NJSLA–ELA), Mathematics (NJSLA –M), and Science (NJSLA–S).

  5. The grades 3 through 8 ELA assessments: align to a representative sampling of standards and evidence statements; reflect the balance between literary and informational texts; include a writing task in each unit and associated scoring rubrics; align with the ELA Task Models;

  6. The New Jersey Student Learning Assessments for English Language Arts (NJSLA –ELA), Mathematics (NJSLA– M) and Science (NJSLAS) measure how well stu dents meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). The NJSLS define what students are expected to learn in each content area.

  7. Organized by the nine essential components of NJTSS, the guidelines provide a detailed description of each component, best practices, a New Jersey district implementation spotlight, key tools for implementation, and valuable resources.

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