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An expansive library of New Jersey code adoptions across building, plumbing, electrical, fire, residential, and more. Filter by jurisdiction, code type, or code year. Try for Free
There are five Sets of Requirements: products and practices; materials and methods; new building elements; basic requirements; and supplemental requirements that apply to the categories of work.
NJ International Building Code and International Residential Code (IRC), well, there just may be publication errors that stem from the national level. To provide an example, see Table R301.2.1(1) for component and cladding loads.
About this chapter: Chapter 3 contains a wide array of building planning requirements that are critical to designing a safe and usable building.
Fully integrated custom code based on the 2021 International Residential Code in a custom binder. Effective March 2023.
When a building or portion of a building is required to be accessible, at least one accessible route shall be provided to each portion of the building, to accessible building entrances connecting accessible pedestrian walkways and to the public way.
About this chapter: Chapter 3 contains a wide array of building planning requirements that are critical to designing a safe and usable building.