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  1. part 1 - application of traffic laws; part 2 - signs, signals and markings; part 3 - accidents; part 4 - traffic laws generally; part 5 - weight and size limitations; part 6 - traffic safety

  2. Section 66-7-301 - Speed regulation. A. No person shall drive a vehicle on a highway at a speed greater than: (1) fifteen miles per hour on all highways when passing a school while children are going to or leaving school and when the school zone is properly posted; (2) thirty miles per hour in a business or residence district;

  3. For more information about the legal concepts addressed by these cases and statutes, visit FindLaw's Learn About the Law. Article 1. General Provisions. Article 2. Motor Vehicle Division of Taxation and Revenue Department. Article 3.

  4. NM 2.0 is the official New Mexico legal research tool of the state courts and legislature powered by Decisia and Qweri as developed by Lexum. It is provided free for all who need to locate a session law, statute, appellate court opinion or court rule, or perform in-depth legal research of New Mexico law.

  5. 2.0 is the free public access to the master database of official New Mexico laws, compiled by the New Mexico Compilation Commission, and powered by Lexum. Search the constitution, statutes, appellate court opinions, court rules and more! Order popular print publications with E-books!

  6. 3 wrz 2024 · Know the grounds for wrongful termination with this New Mexico employment and labor law guideline. Wages, work hours, and leaves are also discussed.

  7. The New Mexico Public Works Minimum Wage Act applies to employers and employees working on state and locally funded public works construction projects. The New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions works to ensure that all employees on projects covered by the Act are paid the correct wage rate.

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