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The Salary Calculator tells you monthly take-home, or annual earnings, considering UK Tax, National Insurance and Student Loan. The latest budget information from April 2024 is used to show you exactly what you need to know.
- Take-Home
The Salary Calculator tells you monthly take-home, or annual...
- Hourly Wage
Enter your hourly wage and hours worked per week to see your...
- Maternity / Sick Pay
Salary Sacrifice. You might agree with your employer to...
- Required Salary
How to use the Required Salary Calculator. To find out what...
- Two Jobs
How to use the Two Jobs Calculator. You can use the two jobs...
- Pro-rata / Furlough
How to use the Pro-Rata / Furlough Salary Calculator. To use...
- Compare Years
How to use the Comparison Calculator. To use the calculator,...
- Compare Two Salaries
How to use the Two Salary Comparison Calculator. This...
- Take-Home
The average salary in the UK is £2,934 per month, or £35,204 per year before tax, according to ONS and HMRC. However, averages can be skewed by high-income earners. For a more reliable estimate, we can look at the median gross salary figures across the UK listed in the table below.
Click the 'Calculate' button once you're done, and you'll see your net salary, the taxable amount, the Tax and National Insurance you'll pay, all displayed on an annual, monthly, weekly, and daily basis.
The Salary Calculator tells you monthly take-home, or annual earnings, considering UK Tax, National Insurance and Student Loan. The latest budget information from April 2024 is used to show you exactly what you need to know.
Use our salary calculator to check any salary after tax, national insurance and other deductions. You can compare different salaries to see the difference too. Updated for tax year 2024-2025.
This Tax and NI Calculator will provide you with a forecast of your salary as well as your National Insurance Contributions for the tax year of 2024/25. Enter your Salary and click "Calculate" to see how much Tax you'll need to Pay
Income tax calculator: Net salary calculator based on the latest income tax rates of HMRC, the UK Tax Authority. We simple take the gross salary and deduct the latest income tax rates and national insurance contributions.