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  1. Institute of Science and Technology (IoST) is one of the oldest and the largest technical institutes in TU with 13 Central Departments,1 School, 24 constituent campuses and 89 affiliated campuses. Nepal has a history of nine decades of science teaching/learning at the higher level.

  2. IoST is the major outlet for interdisciplinary & innovative research at Tribhuvan University. About 50% of TU's citations come from IoST. Research can inform decision-making in higher education by providing evidence-based recommendations for policies and practices that can improve student outcomes and enhance the overall quality of education.

  3. › aboutTU - IOST

    Institute of Science and Technology (IoST) is one of the oldest and the largest technical institutes in TU with 13 Central Departments, 1 School, 24 constituent campuses and 89 affiliated campuses.

  4. The Institute of Science and Technology (IoST) is one of the pioneer technical institutes under Tribhuvan University. IoST has at present 13 Central Departments, 1 school, 24 constituent campuses and 89 affiliated campuses.

  5. 21 wrz 2023 · In this exclusive interview, Prof. Binil Aryal (PhD), Dean of IoST, discusses the Institute of Science and Technology and the various programs it provides. He also delves into IoST's strategies for continued enhancement, addressing present concerns and obstacles, and outlining his aspirations as the Dean of the institute.

  6. Institute of Science and Technology (IOST) is one of the main technical institutes. It is also one of the oldest and largest in terms of the intake of students, the number of campuses with programmes in science.

  7. The Institute of Science and Technology (IOST) has a rich history of nine decades of science teaching and learning at the higher level in Nepal. Over the years, various schemes, plans, policies, and implementation strategies have been experimented in science education.

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