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  2. If you have submitted an NCAGE request or update at NSPA and have not received an approval email, go to the NCAGE Code Request Tool website and click on the upper-right “Contacts” to enter the Help Center and find a list of contacts by country.

  3. 16 sty 2017 · W przypadku wystąpienia o nadanie kodu NCAGE przez NCB, WCNJiK zwraca się do polskiego podmiotu gospodarczego, będącego producentem lub dostawcą określonego wyrobu albo usługodawcą, o przekazanie danych, w formie wniosku NCAGE (zgodnie ze wzorem zamieszczonym na stronie – Dokumenty do pobrania).

  4. 1) Get an NCAGE/CAGE Code: a. Register with NATO Support Agency (NSPA) using the NCAGE Tool to request a NATO Commercial and Government Entity (NCAGE) Code. b. First, check to see if an NCAGE Code is already assigned for your company. i. Enter the name of your organization, country or city where it is located and then

  5. How to Obtain A Commerical and Government Entity(CAGE) / North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Code. Companies located outside the United States (U.S.): Register with NATO Support Agency (NSPA) (Non-DLA Web Site). Follow the step-by-step instructions (PDF) for CAGE/NCAGE/SAM (Non-DLA Web Site).

  6. NSPA assign an NCAGE or forward the request to the applicable National Codification Bureau (NCB) if the entity is located in a NATO (including the U.S.) or Tier 2 nation. Validate NCAGE Code: 1. When the NCAGE Code is assigned, an email message will be sent to the entity POC in the NCAGE Request. 2.

  7. Entities can register with the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) by using the NATO Codification Tool webpage to request a NCAGE code by selecting the CAGE/NCAGE Code Request link. Check to see if a NCAGE code is already assigned to the company.

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