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  1. › Career-Management › Reserve-Personnel-MgmtWaivers - MyNavyHR

    An RE-4 reenlistment code simply means that a BUPERS waiver is required prior to approving an enlistment to join the SELRES. Waivers may be obtained by submitting a request to PERS-913 via...

  2. There are only 2 RE-4 codes that can be easily waived. One is homosexuality and the other is a type of OCS drop.

  3. › Support-Services › Culture-ResilienceForms - MyNavyHR

    NAVMED 6110/4 - Physical Fitness Assessment Clearance/Medical Waiver NAVPERS 6110/3 - PARFQ (OCT 2023) NAVPERS 6110/10 - BCA Score Sheet (JAN 2022)** NAVPERS 6110/11 - PRT Score Sheet (JAN 2022)** PFA 10-Week Notification Template (31JAN23) PFA Page 13 (Enlisted Only) Page 13 Removal Letter

  4. With the current recruitment quotas, would it be possible to join the Navy if I got a RE-4 code from another branch? Is there a possibility of getting a waiver?

  5. Use this form to request a waiver from filing the Form 500CR electronically. You must include a reason for the waiver request. If a reason is not checked or an explanation given as to why you cannot file electronically, the Form 500CR will not be processed. The waiver request should be included with the Form 500CR in the filing of your return.

  6. Please use the link below to download 2023-maryland-500cr-instructions.pdf, and you can print it directly from your computer.

  7. Maryland may grant a taxpayer a waiver of the requirement to file for certain tax credit(s) by electronic means. Form 500CRW, Request for a Waiver, must be submitted with the Form 500CR that establishes a reasonable cause for not filing by electronic means or that there is no feasible means of filing electronically creating an undue hardship.

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