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Find the distance from Portland, ME to New York, NY by two routes. Outside via Nantucket Shoals • Portland to New York (Table 1) is 426 miles . Via Cape Cod Canal and Long Island Sound • Portland to Cape Cod Canal (Table 2) is 118 miles • Cape Cod Canal to New York (Table 3) is 182 miles • Portland to New York is 300 miles . Example 14
HOW TO USE THE TABLES.— To obtain distances, find the departure port in the alphabetical listing and select the desired arrival port and distance listed below. In most cases, the distances from one port to another and return are reciprocal, but in some cases, the distances differ because different routes were used which
VAR 3.5°5'E (2015) ANNUAL DECREASE 8' Edit. Map with JOSM Remote; View. Weather; Sea Marks; Harbours; Sport; Aerial photo; Coordinate Grid
SEA DISTANCES / PORT DISTANCES - online tool for calculation distances between sea ports. More than 4.000.000 distances.
Calculate sea route and distance for any 2 ports in the world.
ADMIRALTY Distance Tables (NP350 1-3) A three part series of tables, sub-divided by region, that gives the shortest distances between ports. The publication also includes supporting diagrams and text, with link tables fo r ports not in the same or adjacent table.
These tables provide distances between over 500 ports worldwide. By consulting them the user can calculate the shortest distance between all the major ports around the world.