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  1. The PAPPG provides guidance for the preparation of applications for submission to NSF via use of the FastLane system and The PAPPG includes detailed application preparation instructions and information about NSF’s application processing and review process.

  2. Projekty finansowane przez NCN. Baza projektów to narzędzie, przy użyciu którego mogą Państwo wyszukać informacje dotyczące projektów finansowanych w konkursach NCN. Określenie projekty finansowane odnosi się do projektów, w przypadku których została już podpisana umowa pomiędzy Wnioskodawcą a Narodowym Centrum Nauki.

  3. Foundation Directory is a research tool to help nonprofits find grants from funders most likely to support their cause. This tool includes grantmaker information and funding history.

  4. Searchable database of federal and private funding opportunities in all fields. Pivot can be utilized to save searches and track funding opportunities; discover collaborators; get tailored funding recommendations and alerts; and gain insights from previously awarded grants.

  5. Determining your eligibility for federal grants is an important first step in the application process. Learn more. Ways to Get Help When Using offers a wide range of help-focused resources. Learn more. Grant Writing Tips. Principles and examples of grant-writing. Learn more.

  6. Essential nonprofit data, tools, and resources. GuideStar Foundation Directory Nonprofit training Data and APIs. Research nonprofits, their work, and how to support them.

  7. NSF will only accept PDFs that are generated through use of an NSF-approved format. The requirement to use an NSF-approved format for preparation of the biographical sketch and current and pending support will go into effect for new applications submitted or due on or after October 5, 2020.

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