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Możesz użyć nan z wyrażeniem takim jak /の, /で (co oznacza "z" i jest wymawiane jako no de) i czasownikiem da/desu (打/です ), co oznacza "uderza" lub "uderza". Nani jest używane przed: / (oznaczające "lub" i wymawiane jako ka) i / に (oznaczające "do a" i wymawiane jako ni).
nanda (なんだ) can also be the spoken form of nanoda (なのだ), which "な + explanatory の + だ (copula)" and is used with nouns/na-adjectives. This pattern is rather common in informal spoken Japanese, so is definitely worth being aware of.
18 gru 2023 · 1. How to use “NANI” by itself “なに?” (Nani?) is a Japanese expression that translates to “What?” in English. It’s an informal way of asking someone to repeat what they just said or to seek clarification when you don’t fully understand. The tone and context in which it’s used can vary.
“Nani kore” (なにこれ, 何これ) means “What is this?”, “What the (hell)?”, or “What’s going on?”. It is a casual phrase that is used when you see or feel something but you don’t know what it is. In addition, it can be used as an exclamation to express surprise, displeasure, or excitement about something.
5 kwi 2021 · The official way of reading this kanji 何 is なに(nani): What. However, sometimes it needs to be read as なん(nan) and there are some rules about it... No struggle on reading 何 anymore!🎉 Rule 1 - 何 is “NANI” when it stands alone or directly connects to a verb (when particles are omitted).