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From Sino-Korean 大 (dae) meaning "big, great, vast, large, high" combined with 中 (jung) meaning "middle". Other combinations of hanja characters can form this name as well. A notable bearer was South Korean president Kim Dae-jung (1924-2009).
Find the perfect baby names and meanings with our database of thousands of names. Names starting with D.
8 wrz 2023 · Baby names for boys and girls that start with the letter D, including origin, meaning, and popularity. Top D names include Delilah and Daniel and trending baby names beginning with D include Dashiell and Dahlia.
Find the perfect baby names and meanings with our database of thousands of names. Names starting with D page #4.
British Boy Names » D. Currently we have 575 Boy Names Beginning with letter D in our British collection ⌕
This is a list of all names that start with the letter D and are 5 letters long contained within the Names list. Need more letters? Try our names starting with search tool. (0.845808 % of all names in this name list)