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Name in Kanji Generator converts your name into a Japanese Kanji name.
- Japanese Kanji dictionaries
Please enter your name. Your name will be converted to a...
- Japanese Kanji dictionaries
Get your KanjiName!! Enter your name in entry box below. Please then press the 'GO' button! "KANJINAME" is a WEB application that translates your name into Japanese kanji. You can download the image, post it to SNS, put it on your profile, print it. You do not need to ask us for personal use.
KANJI Name Creator is a service to convert your name into Kanji. Let's choose the shape and meaning of your favorite kanji and make it your original Kanji name. Support for languages other than English.
Let's look for your name. Please choose the first letter of your name. This service converts your name into Japanese Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana.
Explore over 1 billion Japanese name combinations with kanji meanings, updated every hour with 100 new names. Customize by gender, initials, and specific text using the Japanese Name Generator at
12 lis 2024 · Please enter your name. Your name will be converted to a Japanese Kanji name. e.g. Abraham Lincoln. Note: This is not a Japanese translator but a free program that converts a person's name into Japanese Katakana and Kanji. Recommended Japanese translator
Transform your name into beautiful Kanji, Hiragana, or Kanji art with our user-friendly web app. Experience a new way to express yourself!" "KanjiName" is available for free with basic features. You do not need to obtain permission to use it for personal use.