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  1. Quad9's service supports ECS. EDNS Client Subnet (ECS) allows Quad9 to send a portion of your IP address to authoritative name servers, which helps major content providers (CDNs), such as Google, Microsoft, etc, accurately determine your geolocation.

  2. 13 maj 2020 · Jest drugi adres - - ale nie ma on listy zablokowanych ani innych funkcji bezpieczeństwa. Przełączać czy nie przełączać? Quad9 DNS to szybkie i bezpieczne rozwiązanie dla domyślnego DNS ISP.

  3. Quad9 is a free service that replaces your default ISP or enterprise Domain Name Server (DNS) configuration. When your computer performs any Internet transaction that uses the DNS (and most transactions do), Quad9 blocks lookups of malicious host names from an up-to-the-minute list of threats.

  4. Quad9 – darmowy serwer DNS udostępniany przez organizację Global Cyber Alliance oraz IBM. Usługa DNS Quad9, poza standardowym działaniem, dodatkowo sprawdza domeny internetowe w bazie danych IBM X-Force pod kątem analizy zagrożeń i automatycznie blokuje domeny stron udostępniających złośliwe oprogramowanie [2] .

  5. Quad9 is a Swiss-based, non-profit organization which operates a privacy-and-security focused, open DNS recursive service for the masses, which is used by an estimated tens of millions of devices worldwide, and is intended for everyone, from home users to large-scale enterprises.

  6. › wiki › Quad9Quad9 - Wikipedia

    Quad9 operates recursive name servers for public use at the twelve IP addresses listed below. These addresses are routed to the nearest operational server using anycast routing. Quad9 supports DNS over TLS over port 853, [ 32 ] DNS over HTTPS over port 443, [ 33 ] and DNSCrypt over port 8443.

  7. The primary IP address for Quad9 is, which includes the blocklist, DNSSEC validation, and other security features. However, we do provide an unsecured service and it can be helpful in determining if there are false positives in the Quad9 threat feed or DNSSEC errors with a specific domain.

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