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  1. 13 kwi 2022 · I want to be able to update a table of the same schema using a "replace into" statement. In the end, I need to be able to update a large table with values that may have changed. Here is the query I am using to start off: REPLACE INTO table_name.

  2. 6 lip 2016 · SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(column, '1', 'ABC'), '2', 'DEF'), '3', 'GHI'), '4', 'JKL') FROM table WHERE column IN ('1', '2', '3', '4') The replace should be nested on other, not separate by semi colon. More over in WHERE clause instead of the OR you can use IN

  3. › mysql-basics › mysql-replaceMySQL REPLACE - MySQL Tutorial

    The following illustrates the REPLACE statement that inserts data into a table with the data coming from a query. REPLACE INTO table_1(column_list) SELECT column_list FROM table_2 WHERE where_condition; Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) ( sql )

  4. MySQL 8.4 supports TABLE as well as SELECT with REPLACE, just as it does with INSERT. See Section, “INSERT ... SELECT Statement” , for more information and examples.

  5. 7 mar 2024 · REPLACE() function is a String function and can be used to replace words or characters in a given column, whereas REPLACE statement is similar to INSERT statements and can be used to INSERT or REPLACE entire rows in the MySQL table.

  6. 24 mar 2024 · When using the MySQL REPLACE statement to update another table based on a source table, we have the option of using a SELECT statement to select the whole table (or part of it) or the TABLE statement to select the whole table. Below is an example of refreshing a table from another one using the TABLE statement with the REPLACE statement.

  7. 29 lip 2012 · you need to join the two tables: for instance you want to copy the value of name from tableA into tableB where they have the same ID. UPDATE tableB t1 INNER JOIN tableA t2 ON = SET = WHERE = 'Joe' UPDATE 1

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