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Free and Open. Students. Are you a student looking to study mathematics on your own, and want to do exercises with immediate feedback as you work through a free and open textbook? Then read more about our self study courses. Instructors
- Welcome
Are you an instructor who wants to adopt an open textbook,...
- Student Self Study
While most students use MyOpenMath in connection with an...
- For Instructors
MyOpenMath has pre-built courses created by users based on...
MyOpenMath uses the industry-standard Learning Tools...
- About Us
MyOpenMath was born out of free, open source software...
- New Instructor Account
Instructor Account Request. New Instructor Account Request....
- Writing Questions
Question Parts A question is formed in several parts:...
- MyOpenMath Help
Course Page The course page consists of a list of items....
- Welcome
Q: Will a completely free version of MyOpenMath still be available? A: Yes. will continue to offer free accounts to students and faculty members.
MyOpenMath provides interactive assessment to supplement several free and open math textbooks that can be read online, or printed copies can be ordered through our partner site, All our self-study courses include online interactive, self-grading assessment that can automatically create new versions of problems to provide ...
My Open math is a free, open-source learning management system (LMS) for mathematics. By using this platform, we can save students the expense of buying textbooks. To set up your account: 1. Navigate to 2. Click on the link “register as a new student” 3. Fill in the form with your information. a. Username can only contain
I used it as a student and liked it. No technical issues and it was free so I can't complain. It seemed to offer the same functionality as Pearson or whatever without a ridiculous subscription.
Student accounts can be listed by choosing the corresponding first letter of the last name. To approve teachers who have filled out the "new instructor account request" form, choose Pending from the list.
If you already have a MyOpenMath account: 1) Log into 2) Click the "Enroll in a New Class" button. 3) Enter the Course ID and Enrollment Key below, and click “Sign Up.” Course ID: 25211 Enrollment Key: m081 4) The course name will now show up in the “Courses You’re Taking” box on your home page. Click on