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For the past few weeks I have been having problems with the Live chat, with my messages not appearing. It is ruining my experience to the point that I am not enjoying the live streams as much...
I have this weird issue where live chat is missing on my browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera). For some reason, if I am logged in, the live chats would be blank/missing. If I am not signed in, I can see the chat.
13 paź 2023 · LIVE CHAT missing on YouTube? Here’s how to fix this on mobile.YouTube recently changed the way live chat works on the mobile app. If you can only see commen...
Odpowiadamy na Twoje pytania dotyczące wysyłki! Zadzwoń do Działu Obsługi Klienta TNT lub zadaj pytanie na czacie albo online. Wsparcie TNT dostępne jest całodobowo, przez 7 dni w tygodniu.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. You can tell because if you refresh your message is gone, or the three dots next to your message with the options to delete them never appear. If I chat from the mobile app, chat always works. This has been a site bug for months now.
So, I was watching a live stream on my PC and then I noticed that the chat messages I sent were not showing up in the streamer's chat overlay, at…