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1 gru 2007 · A definition of nursing as situated caring is presented, along with a historical discussion of nursing epistemology and theory for context.
Ethical Principles in Nursing Each person is a human and deserves to be treated with equanimity and respect regardless of past actions or omissions that may bring them under my care. As a nursing care partner for a local hospital system, I have had the opportunity to care for patients who are incarcerated and receiving treatment at the hospital.
y is the ethical—statements about what one values. These claims in a nursing philosophy generally have to do with the treatment of others—for example, that human beings ought to be respected simply for what they are and that nursing care ought to.
5 maj 2023 · nursing ethics from the philosophical view of ethics as a binding responsibility focusing primarily on a patient as the vulnerable and suffering ‘other’. The framework should also integrate the application of ethical and legal frameworks in nursing activities for achieving human dignity as a normative standard described by the patient.
In an effort to assuage the divisiveness in the nursing world regarding the metaparadigm concepts, Thorne et al. (1998) has proposed a definition of nursing that reflects the middle ground of the debates, while permitting a range of paradigmatic and philosophical positions.
Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caring (1979) provided the original core and structure for the Theory of Human Caring: Ten Carative Factors. These factors were identified as the essential aspects of caring in nursing, without which nurses may not have been practic-ing professional nursing but instead were functioning as technicians or
1 lip 2014 · Philosophy helps nurses to think more critically and reflect on how their own values influence their practice and way of being. A better understanding of the importance of philosophy in the nurses’ world is not only relevant but vital to our discipline and professional practice.