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Link your site to eBay. If you have your own web page, you can use these buttons to link your visitors to eBay! With these buttons, you can: Promote items that you are selling on eBay, or ; Provide a direct link to the eBay home page; Complete the form below to view easy instructions to install eBay buttons on your personal web site.
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You can get to the buying related pages from the left side...
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My Ebay is your personalized page on the Ebay Site. It lets you view and track the items you are selling and you can access key areas like feedback and account information. You can access MY Ebay by logging into your account. My Ebay Link is visible at the top of any Ebay Page.
You’ll find all your orders from the past 7 years in your purchase history. It's also the place to go if you need to return an item, pay for your purchases, or view your order details.
You can get to the buying related pages from the left side navigational menu within My eBay. The All Buying page is a summary page and includes the following buying views: Buying Reminders; Buying Totals; Items I'm Watching; Items I'm Bidding On; Items I've Won; Item's I Didn't Win
Whether you’re browsing or you’ve already made a purchase, the following My eBay pages will help you get the most out of your shopping experience. Select the links to read more. Recently viewed – find listings that you've looked at recently
The eBay site is organized into five sections: Buy, Sell, My eBay, Community and Help. Check out our sitemap to get an overview of each section.
To get to your own personalized version of "My eBay", click on the My eBay button in the header located at the top of every page on the eBay site. Personalized: My eBay is personalized to your specific browsing, buying and selling activities and will help you track the following: All Buying; All Selling; All Favorites; Account Information ...