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  1. EduNav is a degree-planning tool to help students—and their advisors—navigate the path all the way to graduation. With EduNav, you plan and register for all your courses in a guided, intuitive system, personalized to your needs and preferences. MVC is rolling out EduNav across the institution over the next few terms, and eventually everyone ...

  2. EduNav, available through MyPortal, allows you to plan and register for all your courses in a guided, intuitive system personalized to your needs and preferences. Plus, you can use EduNav to visualize your pathway to graduation, term by term - and understand how any changes to your plan affect your completion timeline. Reach EduNav in MyPortal.

  3. The Student Helpdesk can address issues with MyPortal, EduNav or WebAdvisor; password and account access; or email reactivation. Call (951) 222-8388 or complete the Helpdesk intake Form . Contact the Student Helpdesk

  4. Your registration and course planning just got easier with MVC's EduNav. Learn more about this powerful tool and map your pathway to graduation at...

  5. 23 kwi 2021 · Updated video on the EduNav dashboard and registration tutorial.

  6. Enter in the section # of the course you are wishing to register. You can also search for courses using the acronyms for the course. Example: English is ENG, Math is MAT) . Once you find the course you’d like to add, click the “Select” box for that course. Input 4 digit add code/authorization code provided to you from your Instructor.

  7. Edunav zaprojektowany został jako rozwiązanie mające wspierać uczniów w nauce matematyki. Jego zadaniem będzie diagnozowanie konkretnych luk edukacyjnych i dostarczenie uczniowi dokładnych wskazówek umożliwiających opanowanie tych zagadnień, w ramach których wykryto deficyt wiedzy.

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