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  1. Niezwykły dokument o niepełnosprawnej piosenkarce z Zimbabwe. "Muzyka Prudence" została w 2010 roku nagrodzona Oscarem dla najlepszego krótkometrażowego filmu dokumentalnego - po raz pierwszy w historii statuetka przyznana w tej kategorii powędrowała do rąk afroamerykańskiego reżysera.

  2. Music by Prudence is a 2010 short documentary film directed by Roger Ross Williams. It tells the story of the then 24-year-old Zimbabwean singer-songwriter Prudence Mabhena, and follows her transcendence from a world of hatred and superstition into one of music, love, and possibilities.

  3. Stream 'Music by Prudence' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this movie's...

  4. 2 sie 2021 · Oscar Winner for Best Documentary Short

  5. › user › musicbyprudencemusicbyprudence - YouTube

    Oscar winner Music by Prudence traces the path of a girl with a disability called arthrogryposis, and her remarkable transcendence from a world of hatred and superstition into one of music,...

  6. 1 kwi 2010 · Music by Prudence tells a self-empowering story of one young woman's struggle who, together with her band, overcomes seemingly insurmountable odds and, in her own voice conveys to the world that disability does not mean inability.

  7. This inspiring documentary profiles Prudence Mabhena, a 21-year-old Zimbabwean singer-songwriter who uses a wheelchair and has overcome her socioeconomic limitations in order to reach her dreams.

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