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3 mar 2023 · Kevin teaches new players how to orbit, land on, and return from the Mun in Kerbal Space Program 2.JOIN OUR LOCALS COMMUNITY:
From the (equatorial) surface of Mun, it takes about 900Dv to land on Kerbin. From low Munar orbit, it takes less than 300Dv to land on Kerbin.
Rakietę budujemy następująco od góry: •Spadochron Mk16 (mały spadochron) •Kokpit dla jednego Kerbala o masie 0.8 (wybieramy na początku) •Mały Decoupler. •Mały zaawansowany SAS. •Mały zbiornik paliwa o pojemności 180L ciekłego paliwa. •3 nóżki na małym zbiorniku z paliwem. •Mały silnik o ciągu 50.
9 lip 2024 · Design a rocket with sufficient Delta V to handle two round trips to the Mun. Ensure your craft includes stages for launch, Mun landing and return, and Kerbin return. Use efficient engines like the LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine and the LV-909 "Terrier" Liquid Fuel Engine for vacuum.
Best way is to first get a nice circular Kerbin orbit, let's say at 100km. Then hit m so you are in solar system view and zoom out so you can see the mun and rotate the camera so that the mun is at about 2oclock relative to Kerbin. Then you burn prograde at 6ocklock for about 800dv.
If you make a Mun lander the same as you make a Kerbin launcher, it should be able to get to 10 km altitude as a rule of thumb. If you give it lower TWR, it's not going to get as high on Kerbin, or not even get off the surface at all.