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So, you only have to get a moderate escape from Mun orbit and almost surely you'll end orbiting Kerbin. For best results do the maneuver while opposite Kerbin. Then simply burn retrograde until you hit the ground.
4 lip 2024 · The Mun, is a large satellite orbiting Kerbin. It is mostly gray in appearance, with craters of various sizes dotting its otherwise smooth surface. The Mun’s discovery is widely regarded as one of the more important breakthroughs of Kerbal evolution.
Mun (czy też Mün) jest dużym księżycem orbitującym wokół Kerbinu. Jest odpowiednikiem ziemskiego Księżyca. Ma kolor szary, pokryty jest kraterami różnej wielkości i szczytami przekraczającymi 3400 m wysokości. Można wykorzystać go jako procę grawitacyjną aby dotrzeć do Minmusa lub na orbitę słoneczną.
With the moon, you can basically eyeball it. As soon as the mun comes over the Kerbin's horizon, start burning prograde, and switch to map view to monitor the progress. After about 900m/s, you'll have an intercept. If you want something more precise, set the Mun as target and create a maneuver node. Pull prograde until the expected orbit ...
Mun, also known as the Mün, is a large moon orbiting Kerbin. It can be thought of as an analogue to our own Moon. It is gray in appearance with craters of various sizes and mountains exceeding 3400 m in height. The gravitational pull the surface is 1.63 m/s², 8.18 m/s² less than that of Kerbin...
Best way is to first get a nice circular Kerbin orbit, let's say at 100km. Then hit m so you are in solar system view and zoom out so you can see the mun and rotate the camera so that the mun is at about 2oclock relative to Kerbin. Then you burn prograde at 6ocklock for about 800dv.
8 sty 2016 · For Kerbin, over/under 250k. The Mun is 30k. Minimum is 6k, I think. There's a Science Checklist out there that has all the info.