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  1. Witam serdecznie przy rozpakowywaniu modelu EasyStar 3 firmy Multiplex. Jest to idealny model do nauki latania jak i dla bardziej już wprawionych pilotów. Sp...

  2. › index › multiplex-modelsRC Planeviews - Easy Star

    The Easy Star from Multiplex is on just about everyone’s short list of great first planes. An electric model, it comes in three forms -- kit, receiver ready and RTF (Ready to Fly).

  3. I like the CG slightly forward, at the center of the spar cover... so that my EasyStars are more stable and thus easier to fly. ....... Rearward CG is Bad: If the CG is too far rearward, the model will be "twitchy" in pitch, and will be much more difficult for a new RC pilot to control without crashing.

  4. This is the radio controlled plane I take ariel video with. It is a Multiplex Easystar fitted with a HD actionpro camera. The plane is a 3 channel ...

  5. Zusammenbau und Erstflug Multiplex EasyStar II auf dem Vereinsgelände des RCM Gummersbach e.V. am 06.11.2011.

  6. The brushless Easy Star is ready to jump into the air at launch. In fact, I’ve found that a half throttle launch is more controllable. With full power it really screams. The climb to an altitude of 300 feet or so occurs at an 80 degree angle and takes less than 10 seconds. The model can easily loop from level flight.

  7. EASYSTAR 3 – Flying can be so easy. The EasyStar is the ideal entry-level model – quick to build and easy to master. You can learn to fly wonderfully with this "Star", which has received multiple awards from experts. It has excellent gliding characteristics and stays in the air for a long time.

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