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  1. FTR, 1500 as MTU value is the default for most ethernet connection. MTU is the maximum transfer unit. It basically sets up how much data you can transfer at a time at the lowest level. So, having a higher MTU means you can transfer more data at once and thus, have higher speeds.

  2. Back in the early 2000s, when I started stumbling over a problem with a too high MTU, I read about the solution in an article. Many DSL connections use (or used) PPPoE, and to get a stable connection without data loss, you needed to reduce the typical Ethernet MTU of 1500 by the header size of PPPoE, whcih is 8.

  3. TLDR; if you have slow download speeds, try to find your optimal MTU through this link: And then input that value in: System Settings(the gear icon) > Internet Settings > #clicking on your network# > Change Settings > MTU

  4. MTU Value. MTU, or Maximum Transmission Unit, specifies the largest unit of data that can be sent over the network.

  5. MTU size is the maximum packet size that can be transmitted over your network. Finding the best MTU size and changing it is worth doing should you experience a decrease in speed, lag or even complete disconnections on your network.

  6. 10 lut 2011 · Aby określić prawidłową wartość MTU, należy wykonać prosty test wykorzystując polecenie Ping w systemie DOS. Należy w prosty sposób wysyłać żądania ping i stale zmniejszać wielkość pakietu do momentu, aż nie będzie konieczności jego fragmentacji.

  7. How to Adjust Manual Settings on the Wii Console. Applies to: Wii. Manual Setup is for those users who have a unique home network setup (typically when the DHCP server is turned off). Most...