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19 kwi 2022 · This mod is a total rewrite of the old CheatBox by roman, what exactly is better in this mod: Cached variables, so it doesn't kill FPS. More pleasing GUI. Mod support. Because of point 1. this mod works even with MOP installed.
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MSCEditor is a save-file editor for My Summer Car. It...
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11 sie 2023 · CheatBox is a universal cheat for My Summer Car that allows you to set up various functions right in the game. Thus, you can teleport to different places, turn on / off needs, teleport items to yourself, and much more.
4 cze 2017 · Copy CheatBox.dll to Mod Loader mods folder. My mods are open source, so you can use my code and resources as a basis for your mod, no need to ask permission. If your mod is mostly based on mine, indicate me in credits.
28 wrz 2018 · MSCEditor is a save-file editor for My Summer Car. It enables the user to modify their save-files as they please. Common use cases include teleporting objects, cheating in money and diagnosing problems with your car. Your grandmother has a car she never uses, maybe she'll give it to you if you help her out? DO NOT DOWNLOAD.
29 gru 2023 · This mod allows you to teleport to almost all of the locations available in the game. The idea is from the mod CheatBox, BetterCheatBox. Default keybind is slash but I recommend to change it to something like control + slash.
19 kwi 2022 · This mod is a total rewrite of the old CheatBox by roman, what exactly is better in this mod: Cached variables, so it doesn't kill FPS. More pleasing GUI. Mod support. Because of point 1. this mod works even with MOP installed. More flexible Timescaler and money editor. How to use:
5 lut 2024 · Ta strona poradnika zestawia listę dostępnych cheatów (nielimitowana gotówka, wybór godziny i dnia tygodnia, noclip do latania po mapie, klucze do pojazdów i inne). Jeden ze sposób obniżania...