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  1. This tutorial explains some basic and advanced concepts of SQL Server such as how to create and restore data, create login and backup, assign permissions, etc. Each topic is explained using examples for easy understanding.

  2. This tutorial explains some basic and advanced concepts of SQL Server such as how to create and restore data, create login and backup, assign permissions, etc. Each topic is

  3. This chapter introduces SQL Server, discusses its usage, advantages, versions, and components.

  4. MS SQL Server Tutorial in PDF. You can download the PDF of this wonderful tutorial by paying a nominal price of $9.99. Your contribution will go a long way in helping us serve more readers.

  5. We have classified the architecture of SQL Server into the following parts for easy understanding −. General architecture. Memory architecture. Data file architecture. Log file architecture.

  6. Step 1 − Download the Evaluation Edition from Once the software is downloaded, the following files will be available based on your download (32 or 64 bit) option.

  7. SQL Server Management Studio is a workstation component\client tool that will be installed if we select workstation component in installation steps. This allows you to connect to and manage your SQL Server from a graphical interface instead of having to use the command line.

  8. SQL Server works in client-server architecture, hence it supports two types of components − (a) Workstation and (b) Server. Workstation components are installed in every device/SQL Server operator’s machine. These are just interfaces to interact with Server components. Example: SSMS, SSCM, Profiler, BIDS, SQLEM etc.

  9. MS SQL Server - Create Database. Database is a collection of objects such as table, view, stored procedure, function, trigger, etc. In MS SQL Server, two types of databases are available.

  10. In this tutorial, we are interested in logins based on Windows Credentials and logins specific to SQL Server. Logins based on Windows credentials allow you to log in to SQL Server using a Windows username and password.

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