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Task 4 has four steps: Step 1: Planning; Step 2: Implementing the Plan; Step 3: Understanding the Two-Focus Students; Step 4: Reflecting; The following include examples for all of the textboxes in each step by subject area, as well as virtual learning environment responses. Virtual Learning Environments (zip) Agriculture (zip) Art (zip)
Page 1 of 4. PPAT® Assessment Library of Examples – Math Task 4, Step 2, Textbox 4.2.1: Instructional Strategies Below are two examples of written responses to Textbox 4.2.1 as excerpted from the portfolios of two different candidates. The candidate responses were not corrected or changed from what was submitted.
What Do You Have to Do for This Task? For this task, you must submit the following evidence. 1. Written Commentary of a maximum of 28,500 characters (approximately nine typed pages) that . 2. Identification of two Focus Students who reflect different learning needs. 3. Seven different artifacts (maximum of ten pages), including.
Task 4 Deep Dive (Video, Slides and Transcript) See pgs 42-50 of this document for: Instructions from ETS about the Video for Task 4 of the PPAT® Assessment Examples of Task 4...
This file provides essential information and examples for completing the PPAT Task 4 assessment. It includes guiding prompts and sample responses to help candidates understand what is expected in their submissions.
In this task, you will demonstrate your ability to plan and implement a lesson using standards- based instruction, to adjust instruction for the whole class as well as for individual students and demonstrate an understanding of reflective practice.
What is the general design of the PPAT assessment? The PPAT assessment consists of four tasks. Each of the four tasks will take place during the teacher candidate’s clinical experience and will focus on differentiation of instruction and the decision-making process.