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  1. Policy” means a Statement, formally adopted by the Board of Education, in which the Board recognizes the mandates and constraints of law, establishes practices and standards binding on staff members and students, and gives direction to the Superintendent. “President” means the President of the Board of Education.

  2. Policy” means a Statement, formally adopted by the Board of Education, in which the Board recognizes the mandates and constraints of law, establishes practices and standards binding on staff members and pupils, and gives direction to the Superintendent.

  3. The school district shall provide a copy of Policy and Regulation 2431.4- Prevention and Treatment of Sports-Related Concussions and Head Injuries to all youth sports team organizations that operate on school grounds or in school facilities.

  4. The school district will incorporate this district-wide parent and family engagement policy into its school districts plan developed under Section 1112 of the ESEA.

  5. The school districts point of contact person will discuss these factors and will make every effort to gather meaningful input and participation from the relevant parties, including appropriate school personnel, in the best-interest determination.

  6. The school district will put into operation programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents in all of its schools with Title I, Part A programs, consistent with Section 1118 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).

  7. Policies can be located on the MTSD website ( by selecting the “BOE” tab and then selecting “Policies and Regulations” from the drop down menu. A search menu is presented to locate any policy or regulation. For those who do not have access to a computer, copies of the policies are available in the main office of the high school.

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